Thursday, January 14, 2016

Dunedin in the rain

We docked at our first stop coming up the eastern coast of the South Island - Dunedin - settled in 1848 as a Scottish settlement. It's the fifth largest city in NZ ... About 125,000 and lots of sheep, of course. 

We visited the Larnach Castle which is the only castle in NZ. No pictures because it was pouring out.  However, it was a very interesting place where we had an excellent tour. 

For lunch we headed to Speight's Ale House for a decent plate of fish n' chips and excellent beer. Speight's is also a large brewery that started in 1887. We had a tour of the brewery and bought a souvenir for Steve. 

Marvin and Noelle at beer tasting:

Marc looking at beer vat:

The absolute highlight of the day was after lunch when we headed to Natural  Wonders which is a 600 acre wildlife preserve. It is the only place on earth where there are yellow eyed penguins. They are shy little creatures but we did see one with its baby chick.  Couldn't get a good picture. 

We donned rain gear and boarded 8-wheeled Argo vehicles.  

And drive through the muddy, rutty roads:

Our big prize was a colony of seal families with a ton of newborn babies.  The videos are better than the still photos and I will email you some videos. But here are some pics:

Baby seal:

Momma, daddy and baby:

Momma close up:

And three sheep in a row - which is called a Baa baa queue

Now we are on the bus, heading back to the ship. Looking forward to a hot shower and cocktails. 

More tomorrow!

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