What a day we had today!! Our first stop was Whakarewarewa which is not the real name of the village - it's the shortened name - the full name is on the sign below:
And - the name means: The Gathering Place of the Army of Wahio. Locals refer to it as Woka.
This is a living Maori village - in other words - people still live there - I think about sixty. These are the people of Tuhourangi Ngati Wahiao. These are some of the original inhabitants of NZ and the came in big canoes from Samoa - or somewhere near there.
The amazing part is that the village is smack on top of an active geothermal environment - one big hot spring. Hot steaming pools are all around and there are frequent geysers. The steam their food in the thermal pools. Here's some corn cooking- it's floating in a mesh bag in the spring:
Then we ate it:
All of the food for all the families in the village - as well as for tourist guests is cooked in a steam box hangi. People put their aluminum pans into the box in the morning And when they come home, they take out their pans and have a delicious slow cooked meal. There are no kitchens or ovens inside the houses. It's hard to describe this place but we loved it.
Then we went to another Maori Village- which was not inhabited but more of a cultural experience. - and it was!!
, Nothing fried ?